Does fly offers Personalized Packaging Service ?

At Fly, we offer a specialized personalized packaging service for our Premium, White Label, and White Label (Pro) account holders. This service is designed to enhance your brand's presence and provide a seamless experience for your customers. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what each account type includes:

Premium Accounts

For Premium account holders, we accommodate your personalized packaging requests by allowing you to send us your branded materials. Here’s how it works:

  1. Send Your Materials:

    • You can send us your branded shipping bags, boxes, and any other packaging materials.
    • Include any additional branding materials such as flyers, business cards, or promotional inserts.
  2. Brand Integration:

    • We will integrate your branding materials into the packaging of your orders.
    • Each order will be shipped with your packaging and branding materials included, ensuring a cohesive brand presentation.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience:

    • This service allows you to provide a consistent and professional brand experience from the moment your customers receive their orders.
    • Personalized packaging can enhance customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

White Label and White Label (Pro) Accounts

For White Label and White Label (Pro) account holders, Fly goes a step further by providing comprehensive branding solutions. Here’s what we offer:

  1. Complete Branding Solutions:

    • We provide all necessary packaging materials, including tag ropes, outer packaging tags, and overall package design.
    • All materials will feature your brand name, logo, and styling according to your specifications.
  2. Custom Tag Ropes and Tags:

    • Custom tag ropes will be included with each product, showcasing your brand identity.
    • Outer packaging tags will be customized to align with your branding, ensuring every detail reflects your brand.
  3. Branded Outer Packaging:

    • The outer packaging will be designed to match your brand’s aesthetics, making your packages instantly recognizable to your customers.
    • This comprehensive branding approach ensures that from the moment your customers receive their orders, they experience your brand's full impact.
  4. Professional Presentation:

    • The professional and cohesive presentation of your brand can significantly enhance the perceived value of your products.
    • This service is ideal for businesses looking to establish a strong brand presence and leave a lasting impression on their customers.


  1. First 500 Shipping Bags and Boxes Free:

    • For White Label and White Label (Pro) account holders, the first 500 shipping bags and boxes are provided free of charge.
  2. Subsequent Orders:

    • After the first 500, you will need to pay Rs 4850 for the next lot of 500 shipping bags and boxes.
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